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Ex-Italian MP condemned to 4 years prison for tax evasion and money laundering

信息来源: 发布日期:2024-09-28


The Italian ex-President of the Chamber of Deputies Irene Pivetti has been condemned to 4 years prison for tax evasion and money laundering.

The Milanese court accepted the recommendations by the Magistrate Giovanni Tarzia following the conclusion of his investigation. The court also condemned Leonardo “Leo” Isolani and his wife Manuela Mascoli to a two-year suspended sentence for the same crimes. The crimes were related the sale of three cars in 2016.

According to the investigation, some €10 million was laundered or acquired illicitly. Some €3.4 million were confiscated over the course of the investigation.

In comments following the judgement, Pivetti insisted on her innocence and accused the judiciary of a deliberate attack against her. “I didn’t expect anything different. I am curious to know the motivations behind this”.

She continued by saying that this is only the “first half” of her legal battle and that she will file an appeal. “I am calm because I know that I am completely innocent. I have always paid my taxes”.

Pivetti was President of the Chamber of Deputies between 1994 and 1996. She was first a deputy for the Lega party, and later the small centrist party Democratic Union for Europe (UDEUR).

She is currently also facing separate proceeding over allegations of fraud in the supply of non-compliant face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.